About the Program
Today`s business environment continuously undergoes a change and gets more complicated as technological developments accelerate; products and services vary; customers become more selectıve and speed, quality and price-conscious; and competition becomes intense globally. Such a complicated environment naturally needs executives who have interdisciplinary knowledge, who are equipped with skills and abilities that will carry their knowledge into practice and in this way that can easily keep pace with the change.
Many success stories in today`s companies belong to heroes coming from different disciplines wıth outstanding business administration skills.
The aim of this program is to provide executives state of the art business skills that help them to move to an upper level and get them ready for the global competition.
The program presents the participants the opportunity to combine theory and practice via projects. Graduates of the program will be prepared for upper administrative level and add value to the institutions they work at.
In this program, the students will take different courses in business administration through case studies, lectures, projects, seminars, and teamwork, and they will be graduated from this one-year program equipped with new tools.
We overhauled our Executive MBA Program!

As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.