İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    PhD in Public Law

    Course Structure Diagram with Credits

    To see the course details (such as objectives, learning outcomes, content, assessment and ECTS workload), click the relevant Course Code given in the table below.

    1. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    ELEC 001 Elective Course I 3 0 3 7.5
    ELEC 002 Elective Course II 3 0 3 7.5
    ELEC 003 Elective Course III 3 0 3 7.5
    HUK 691 Research Methods in Law 3 0 3 7.5
    Total : 30
    1. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    ELEC 004 Elective Course IV 3 0 3 7.5
    ELEC 005 Elective Course V 3 0 3 7.5
    ELEC 006 Elective Course VI 3 0 3 7.5
    HUK 695 Seminar 0 0 0 7.5
    Total : 30
    2. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    HUK 697 Comprehensive Exam 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    2. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    HUK 698 Thesis Proposal 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    3. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    HUK 699 PhD Thesis 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    3. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    HUK 699 PhD Thesis 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    4. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    HUK 699 PhD Thesis 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    4. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    HUK 699 PhD Thesis 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    Elective Courses
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    KHUK 621 International Disputes and Their Resolution 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 622 Liability in the Administative Law of Health Care 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 623 Administrative Sanctions 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 624 Transfer Pricing and Thin Capitalisation 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 625 Tax Planning 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 626 Comparative Criminal Law 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 627 Comperative Criminal Procedure Law’s Fundamentals 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 628 International Space Law 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 629 International Law of the Sea 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 631 General Theory of Offence of Law No. 5237 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 632 Sanction Theory of Law No. 5237 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 633 Issues in Practice Regarding the Investigation Phase 3 0 3 7.5
    KHUK 634 Problems in Practice Regarding the Prosecution Phase 3 0 3 7.5
    Additional Notes

    If you need support for these courses due to your disability, please refer to Disability Support Unit. Contact; engelsiz@ieu.edu.tr




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