About the Department
The concepts of logistics management and supply chain management gradually gain importance with the effect of the rapid change and globalization, and as a result of the change of markets, customer needs and wishes, and the necessities of the relationships between the enterprises. It became a function that has a vital importance in terms of logistics enterprises which was perceived as only a military concept years ago, later it was thought to be limited with transportation and storage activities but today its borders are still broadening. That`s why, in order to answer the demand for qualified employees on this subject, our carefully designed essential and elective courses, enable the graduates of the logistics management program to be fully trained to be able to take up suitable positions in logistics companies as well as public and private organizations.
Supply chain management has become one of the most important competitive tools for business enterprises. The master`s program in logistics management aims to train experts, who have mastery of both theoretical framework and analysis. The business enterprises that are able to survive in today`s business world are the ones that can effectively manage the systems of both supply chain management and logistics. Therefore, experts who are competent in supply chain and logistics management processes will very likely emerge as candidates for executive positions in the near future.
Management of the materials, services and information flows, forecasting methods, distribution of resources, project management, production planning, transportation, inventory and warehousing management, international trade management, logistics information systems, port management, distribution channels and retail management, customer service management and reverse logistics are some examples of subjects of great importance to businesses, which are covered in the program.
The courses are designed to enable the students` effective participation during the classes. Lectures are based on contemporary case analysis, projects, and presentations of students as well as the use of models and simulations. Additionally, the opportunity for professionals from the sector to meet the students and share their practical knowledge with them is provided in the context of the courses of our program.

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Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.