This course focuses on how to conduct scientific research in general and how to put it down on paper in the law field.
This course provides PhD students with a setting to explore the literature in their area of study. The course serves as an introduction to academic research for graduate students.
HUK 601 International Family Law
Concept of international family law, sources of international family law, determination of applicable law and competent court in international family law, recogntion and enforcement of foreign court decisions regarding international family law.
HUK 602 International Sales Law
CISG entered into force in Turkey on August 1, 2011. In this course; the structure, principles and rules of the Vienna Sales Convention shall be introduced to the students and the following basic legal subjects shall be discussed: Interaction between the Vienna Sales Convention and the private international law, jurisdiction and domestic law, general provisions and application of the Convention, formation of the contract, rights and obligations of the parties, transfer damage and loss, legal actions that may be taken by the injured party in case of breach of obligations.
HUK 603 Corporate Group Law
Corporate Groups are set forth in Art.195 ff. of the Turkish Commercial Code. With these regulations, it is aimed to ensure transparency, accountability and a balance of interests in the relations between parent and subsidiary companies. Considering the fact that the management of companies within the Group differs from that of an independent company, regulations are provided in the TCC to eliminate the negative consequences of the risk of sacrificing the interest of the subsidiary company for the benefit of the group of companies. On the other hand, the interests of the shareholders and creditors outside the group structure are also considered and protected. The origin of the provisions of the TCC are the regulations of the German Stock Corporation Act regarding subsidiaries. In addition, the Swiss Federal Court's "Swissair decision" is taken into account with regards to liability of trust. The concept of Control is also regulated based upon the 7th Company Law Directive of the European Union. For this reason, while examining the provisions of Art. 195 ff. TCC, relevant comparative rules and judicial decisions constituting the basis of these provisions will also be examined.
HUK 604 Contract of Surety
In this course, the differences of the suretyship contract from similar contracts, the conditions of the suretyship, the form of the suretyship agreement, the types of the surety, the relationship between the surety and the creditor, the relationship between the surety and the debtor will be covered.
HUK 605 Labour Disputes and Litigation
Within the scope of this course, labour dispute resolution will be examined in the light of Turkish Law, the international norms, and the judicial precedent. It is aimed to examine both legal and collective dispute resolution.
HUK 606 Employment Contract and Its Types
HUK 607 Fundamental Rights within the Service Relationship
Within the scope of this course, the fundamental rights arising from the service relationship, such as the employer’s right to govern and its limits, duty of care of the worker, the worker’s duty of loyalty, non-compete agreements, the worker’s private life and protection of personal data, mobbing (psychological harassment), syndical rights, obligation of equal treatment will be examined.
HUK 608 Protection of Disadvantaged Groups in Labour Law
Within the scope of this course, the legislation, the judicial precedent, and the opinions in the doctrine relating to protection of disadvantaged groups in the working life, on the basis of international conventions and the constitutional rights will be examined.
HUK 609 Civil Liability for Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases
Within the scope of this course, the duties of the State to establish rules and to inspect, and the extent of liabilities of the State, the employer, and the occupational health and safety professionals in the event of occupational accident or occupational disease will be examined.
HUK 610 Situations Requiring Spousal Consent Acc. to the TCC and TCO
Within the scope of this course, subjects such as the transactions that can be made with the consent of the spouse, the way the consent is given, the effect of not obtaining the consent on the validity of the transaction with the third party will be discussed.
HUK 611 Bank Guarantee Contracts
In this course, topics such as the concept of bank guarantees, types of bank guarantees, the relations between the guarantor and the guarantee creditor will be examined.
HUK 612 Capital Protection in Joint Stock and Limited Liability Companies
Within the context of this course, the concept of capital in joint stock and limited liability companies will be explained in order to discuss the principles of capital and capital protection and to demonstrate the importance of capital protection with the relevant court decisions.
HUK 613 Capital Increase through Capital Subscription in Joint-Stock Companies
The system of TCC on the capital formation of joint-stock companies is based on the principle of capital protection. This principle means that the committed capital is to be brought in a fully and complete manner during the establishment and the capital increase of the company and is to be preserved throughout the continuance of the company. Capital increase within this context is one of the most important way to meet the financial resource requirement. However this procedure can be abused in practice, since capital increase through capital subscription is a special type of amendment of articles of association that can have impacts on balance of interests within the company. In this regard, there are many judicial decisions and will be examined in detail during the course.
HUK 614 Effects of Paris Climate Agreement of Company Law
Türkiye has ratified the Paris Agreement and has set a zero emission target by 2053. In order to fulfill this goal, the sustainability and green transformation process at the center requires the reconsideration of the policies and regulations on the axis of “climate”. Additionally, this process also necessitates changes in the corporate structures of companies. Within this frame of this course, international climate regime rules and principles, besides, the European Union and Turkish Commercial Law regulations on corporate sustainability policies will be discussed. Concepts such as climate change, sustainability, ESG (environment, social, governance), Sustainable Reporting, Green Finance will be discussed and after Paris Agreement ratification, how Turkish companies should prepare themshelves for the new period will be examined based on the relevant regulations of Capital Market and Turkish Commercial Law.
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