İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    M.SC. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (With Thesis)

    Course Structure Diagram with Credits

    To see the course details (such as objectives, learning outcomes, content, assessment and ECTS workload), click the relevant Course Code given in the table below.

    1. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    EEE 551 Linear Systems Theory 3 0 3 7.5
    ELEC 001 Elective Course I 3 0 3 7,5
    ELEC 002 Elective Course II 3 0 3 7,5
    GS 593 Research Design and Methods in Engineering 3 0 3 7.5
    Total : 30
    1. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    ELEC 003 Elective Course III 3 0 3 7,5
    ELEC 004 Elective Course IV 3 0 3 7,5
    ELEC 005 Elective Course V 3 0 3 7,5
    GS 595 Seminar 0 0 0 7.5
    Total : 30
    2. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    GS 599 Master Thesis 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    2. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    GS 599 Master Thesis 0 0 0 30
    Total : 30
    Elective Courses
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    EEE 501 Applied Digital Image Processing 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 502 Pattern Recognition 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 503 Introduction to Radar Signal Processing 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 504 Bankaları / Wavelets and Filter Banks 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 505 Biomedical Signals and Instrumentations 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 506 Adaptive Signal Processing 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 509 Selected Topics in Signal Processing 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 511 Artificial Neural Networks for Signal Processing and Control 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 512 Optimal Control 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 513 Selected Topics in Power Electronics 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 514 Optimization Methods and Applications 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 515 Introduction to Convex Optimization 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 516 Autonomous Robotics and Mobile Sensing 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 517 Deep Learning Methods and Applications 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 519 Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 521 Microwaves Engineering 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 522 RF ID systems 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 523 Antenna Engineering 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 525 Computational Electromagnetism 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 527 Principles of Autonomous Vehicle Design 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 529 Selected Topics in Electromagnetics and Antennas 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 531 Analog Integrated Circuits 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 532 Analog VLSI Design 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 533 Digital VLSI Design 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 535 Data Converters 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 536 Communication Electronics 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 541 Communication Theory 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 542 Detection and Estimation Theory 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 543 Basics of Wireless Communications 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 544 Satellite Communication 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 549 Selected topics in wireless communications 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 561 Microprocessor Systems 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 562 Real-Time Signal Processing 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 571 Power System Analysis 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 572 Power Quality Measurement 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 573 Renewable Energy 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 579 Selected Topics in Power Systems 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 601 Fast Filtering Algorithms 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 602 Video Processing 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 611 Nonlinear System Analysis 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 612 Chaos and Fractals 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 621 Advanced Electromagnetic theory 3 0 3 7.5
    EEE 652 Stochastic Processes 3 0 3 7.5
    IES 503 Artificial Intelligence 3 0 3 7.5
    IES 509 Heuristics 3 0 3 7.5
    IES 511 Machine Learning 3 0 3 7.5
    IES 513 Mathematical Programming and Applications 3 0 3 7.5
    IES 524 Digital Image Processing 3 0 3 7.5
    Additional Notes

    The students are required to take a total of 120 ECTS in order to complete the master program with thesis.

    In order to graduate from the master program with thesis, the students are required to take 5 elective courses in addition to EEE 551-Linear System Theory, GS 593-Research Design and Methods in Engineering, GS 595 - Seminar, and GS 599 - Master Thesis courses.  

    The students are required to take 5 elective courses.

    • At least 3 of these courses should be selected from the courses with the code "EEE" in the program's elective course list.
    • Other remaining elective courses can be selected from courses other than the courses with the code "EEE" in the elective course list or can be choosen from 3 IUE credited courses in other graduate programs with the codes "CE", "IE" and "MATH". 
    • Students may take one elective course  (provided that the course has 7,5 ECTS, 3 IUE Credits) from undergraduate level elective courses, unless they took the course during their undergraduate education.


    1.      EEE 501 Applied Digital Image Processing
    2.      EEE 503 Introduction to Radar Signal Processing
    3.      EEE 504 Wavelets and Filter Banks
    4.      EEE 505 Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation
    5.      EEE 506 Adaptive Signal Processing
    6.      EEE 509 Selected Topics in Signal Processing
    7.      EEE 511 Artificial Neural Networks for Signal Processing and Control
    8.      EEE 562 Real-Time Signal Processing
    9.      EEE 601 Fast Filtering Algorithms
    10.    EEE 602 Video Processing


    1.      EEE 512 Optimal Control
    2.      EEE 519 Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
    3.      EEE 531 Analog Integrated Circuits
    4.      EEE 532 Analog VLSI Design
    5.      EEE 533 Digital VLSI Design
    6.      EEE 535 Data Converters
    7.      EEE 561 Microprocessor Systems
    8.      EEE 611 Nonlinear System Analysis


    1.      EEE 504 Wavelets and Filter Banks
    2.      EEE 571 Power System Analysis
    3.      EEE 572 Power Quality Measurement
    4.      EEE 573 Renewable Energy
    5.      EEE 579 Selected Topics in Power Systems
    6.      EEE 601 Fast Filtering Algorithms


    1.      EEE 521 Microwave Engineering
    2.      EEE 522 RFID Systems
    3.      EEE 523 Antenna Engineering
    4.      EEE 525 Computational Methods in Electromagnetics
    5.      EEE 529 Selected Topics in Electromagnetics and Antennas
    6.      EEE 621 Advanced Electromagnetics Theory


    1.      EEE 541 Communication Theory
    2.      EEE 542 Detection and Estimation Theory
    3.      EEE 543 Basics of Wireless Communications
    4.      EEE 544 Satellite Communication
    5.      EEE 549 Selected Topics in Communications
    6.      EEE 652 Stochastic Processes


    1.      IES 503 Artificial Intelligence
    2.      IES 509 Heuristics
    3.      IES 511 Machine Learning
    4.      IES 513 Mathematical Programming and Applications
    5.      IES 530 Evolutionary Algorithms
    6.      IES 534 Nonlinear Programming
    7.      IES 538 Nature Inspired Optimization
    8.      CE 609 Advanced Numerical Analysis
    9.      CE 657 Video Coding and Decoding
    10.    MATH 602 Advanced Linear Algebra and Optimization
    11.    MATH 655 Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications
    12,    MATH 663 Biomathematics

    If you need support for these courses due to your disability, please refer to Disability Support Unit. Contact; engelsiz@ieu.edu.tr




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